The Ministry of Education of India is going to provide students a golden opportunity to learn about authentic traditional knowledge and culture. The Central Government has announced plans to establish ‘IKS Wiki’, which will serve as an online repository that will help popularize and access traditional knowledge and Indian culture. It’ll engage students through an internship.

What is IKS Wiki?
IKS Wiki is an online encyclopedia to enhance students’ knowledge and skills in Indian languages with an emphasis on Indian civilization, religion, philosophy and culture.
Ganti S Murthy, National Coordinator of the Indian Knowledge Systems Division of the Ministry of Education said, “This will be an authentic library for the Indian knowledge system or Indian knowledge system, accessible to everyone in the world,”

The Main Objective of the IKS Wiki project
The government said that the IKS Internship Program is designed to encourage youth to study various topics related to IKS ( Indian traditional knowledge) in depth.
The IKS department was established in 2020 by the Ministry of Education to promote interdisciplinary research on aspects of indigenous knowledge in the All India Council for Technical Education.
It will carry articles in multiple Indian languages as well as in English, with the idea of providing information in a simplified language that common people can understand.

‘Wikipedia’ provides a comprehensive overview of Indian civilization and culture for free. There are also other such repositories, such as ‘Bharatpedia’, which are operated by a private foundation. The IKS Wiki will be the first state-sponsored initiative, the ministry said.
IkS Wiki Internship Programme
The internship program will welcome contributions in a variety of artworks, photographs, sketches, graphics, and cartoons.
Rs1,000 will be awarded for the best work among the participants in this internship linked to ‘IKS Wiki’.
No details have been given on when the IKIS wiki will be launched. But the time to apply for an internship has been fixed. Students can join the internship program at any time.
The deadline to apply for the internship program is December 25. The names of the selected candidates will be announced on January 5.

According to the ‘HT’ report, submission criteria revolve around systematic knowledge originating from Indians within the Indian subcontinent, transmitted through oral traditions, manuscripts, texts, and traditional methods.
An official of the department pointed out, “Only articles based on modern knowledge systems and modern scientific methods and analysis do not qualify as IKS projects.”
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