Famous actress Padma Shri Kangana Ranaut has announced the dates of her new project ‘Emergency’ after having darshan of Shree Ram in the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha program. Kangana Ranaut has worked hard in this upcoming project. She herself direct this film. She is herself acting in the lead role in this film. If we talk about the film Emergency, then the film story is adapted from Pupul Jaykar’s book on India’s first Female and strongest Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Date Announcement
If we talk about Kangana Ranaut’s picture Emergency, then this picture has been prepared under the banner of Manikarnika Films Production. Zee Studio has produced it and all the actors working in it have been doing their wonders in the Bollywood film industry for a long time among the audience.
Taking to Instagram on Tuesday, Kangana also shared a new poster of the political drama. The movie has also been directed and written by Kangana.
She captioned the post, “Unlock the story behind India’s darkest hour. Announcing Emergency on 14th June, 2024. Witness history come alive as the most feared and fiercest Prime Minister. Indira Gandhi thunders into cinemas. Emergency in cinemas on 14th June, 2024.”
Starcast in Emergency
The film also features Anupam Kher as JP Narayan, Mahima Chaudhary as Pupul Jayakar, Milind Soman as Sam Manickshaw, Shreyas Talpade as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Vishak Nair as Sanjay Gandhi and the late Satish Kaushik as Jagjivan Ram. Ritesh Shah has penned the screenplay and dialogues of the movie. Emergency marks Kangana’s first solo directorial film.
Controversy regards Kangana’s Emergency
Talking about the controversy regarding the film Emergency, then it is not as widespread as it was expected to be a few weeks before its release, where on one hand Indira Gandhi was shown in the option of protector or a dictator in the film Emergency. However, the parties concerned are alleging that this film has been made to tarnish her image.
Kangana on Emergency
On directing Emergency and starring in it, Kangana earlier, said as per ANI, “Emergency is one of the most significant and darkest chapters in our history that young India needs to know. It is a crucial story and I want to thank my super-talented actors like the late Satish ji, Anupam ji, Shreyas, Mahima, and Milind for embarking on this creative journey together. I am excited to bring this extraordinary episode from India’s history to the big screen. Jaihind!”
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